Section | Nom | Description |
What are we here to do? | A poster for all students to ... think about |
Frequently used items | Revise the Water cycle | A quick revision PowerPoint about the Water cycle - make sure you're clear about it! |
Our map | A sample Google Map |
Water at home | Key readings | Multiple files can be arranged in a folder (and subfolders if necessary) for quick access from the front page. A few key documents we will use in our work in class and beyond. Don't forget to keep checking and adding to Waterbase (database) too, many more excellent sources will be posted there. |
Interactive House | An important website can be easily linked to and displayed in a variety of ways. For multiple links, you can create a Page with hyperlinks. You could also allow students to build a class list of sites by using a collaborative activity (eg. wiki, database, glossary, forum...). A great site to explore just how much water we use around the house and how we could get better at it. Have a go! |
Would you.... | Great video - says such a lot without words... |
Water around the world | Water Aid website | The website of Water Aid -lots of information here. |
Water Alert Game - Can you save the village? | An inserted link to an external learning object (website) which can be accessed and played in Moodle. OK, let's see if you have what it takes. |
Water and human health - for those wanting to explore further! | IMS packages can be easily incorporated in Moodle. These are usually self-contained activities and resources. This is an example from Open University in UK, the site with the biggest number of Moodle users in the world (over half a million!) Want to challenge yourself further? Go in depth about the link between water and human health? Here is your 'guided chance'.
Sample Google Docs import | Importing content from external repositories is easy with Moodle . Here is an example of an imported Google Doc. Sample file and instructions. |
Your campaign | Practise creating a campaign - beach safety | An example of IMS learning object inserted in Moodle as a resource. Before you build your water awareness campaign, try and buid a beach safety campaign through this short learning object. Think of the language, images and techniques used to persuade. |
Creative Water | nouveau livre | nouveau livre |